I attended my very first raw food potluck today. Check out that platter of raw goodness. I wish I could say I made that but I can't. Actually what I made tasted great but failed miserably in the presentation department, that's why I didn't take a photo of it. I made cashew cheese periogies and coconut walnut fudge. I was super impressed with what the other attendees made so I need to step it up for next time. It was better than what I eat at most raw food restaurants.

Here's a little still shot from the new TJ Maxx commercials I shot on Friday. I loved this green dress so much I bought it off the wardrobe department. It was tailored to fit me so why not. $40 bucks!!

Here's Matt looking grumpy at the Water Wells for Africa show last Thursday. He had a lot to be grumpy about it. He couldn't hang his photos on the wall because Boost Mobile had to have their obnoxious booth take up the lobby space. He had to put his artwork on easels and someone from the cleaning crew knocked one over and broke a photo. Despite the fact that he put the fundraiser together and sold out the show he was only allowed 20 guests total. Many of our friends showed up but couldn't come in to just see the art. On a good note, the show WAS sold out and the money raised will go to installing at least 3 wells in Malawai. Now that's good news!!