Officially a certified raw food instructor!! The three weeks at Living Light were AMAZING!. I went there not knowing what to expect and left there feeling really, really satisfied with myself. I felt like it pushed me in so many ways as a raw foodist, a food lover, a leader and teacher. I took in so much information that I need a few weeks just to process all of it. I didn't leave there feeling like a chef but with the knowledge that would equip me to be one. Just as anyone who graduates from culinary school (or any art school), it takes time to hone your skills. Since I've been home I've made incredible entrees, desserts and snacks. I attempt something new almost every day. Last Friday I had a dinner for a few friends and spent 8 hours preparing the meal. It was a lot of work but incredibly rewarding. Everyone loved it and there was almost nothing left save for a couple Vietnamese salad rolls and sauce that I finished up the next day. Here are a few more pics from my time at Living Light.
Teaching my first demo to the class. I taught them how to make Mexican Seasoned Rice.

Mexican food platter to die for. So good.

Learned to roll dolmas like a pro.

Dolmas in their glory right before I took them down.

Travel Channel star Kirsten Gum Treasure Hunter was in the class. One of the raddest girls I've ever met. Keep an eye out for her, she's amazing.

Minestrone soup

Zoom burger with sweet crispy onions and kale salad

My favorite dessert: brownie crumble with cashew cream topped with chocolate velvet and raspberry coulis. I die.

Sometimes our food got photoshoots

Here was my team's creation: Hot Mexican brownies. They were insanely good.

Pesto torte

Walnut date scones

Raw candy. I made a big batch of these for Valentine's day and ate 1/3 of them in a one night. I promptly got rid of them the next day. Not a good thing for me to keep around.

Mind blowing lasagna

Lemon tart

My chef photo. Think I'm gonna have to do a photo shoot with Matt, not my best face.