Saturday, September 29, 2007

What's Different Here?

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Hmmm, every time a new version of Guitar Hero comes out it seems Judy Nails gets 'a little work done.' The only similarity between me and my character now are the two sparrows on our lower back. I was kinda bummed I didn't have any input on how she looks this time around but I did get to rerecord all the moves and it looks SO GOOD. I'm proud. Guitar Hero 3 is definitely the best of the bunch and the soundtrack is going to rule (and not because I'm on it, well maybe).

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Made A New Friend Today

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I met this bad boy on the set of a Zune commercial today. Once the handler reassured me that he wan't going to punch me I got the nerve to actually pet it. Kangaroos are soft. Kinda like a bunny with the personality of a chicken. Speaking of chicken I'm on day three of a five day juice fast. So hungry I could eat a house. Rawr.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This Makes Me Happy

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Read the story here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

If You Like Scary Movies

Rent the "Future of Food" from Netflix, a documentary about the shady business of genetically modified (GMO) foods. It's a chilling look at our current food chain that is slowly being taken over by corporations (Monsanto, you're the devil) who are patenting seeds and strongarming America's farmers into subsidized GMO agriculture. Without boring you with the details let me just say this. PLEASE buy organic. I know it costs more but YOU ARE WORTH it. Go to the farmer's market, buy local, in-season produce. It tastes better, it's better for you, better for the economy and the future of food as we know it. If more people support organic farming it will be cheaper. Better yet, grow your own! I'm planting almond trees this year because the FDA has decided to pasturize ALL California almonds for "Public Safety." I can't tell you enough how much this irks me.

Here's a tip next time you go to the grocery store. You know those little stickers on your produce? If it has numbers on it from 3000-4000 it is commercially grown pesticide, herbacide, fungacide, poisoned food. If it has a 5 digit number beginning with a 9 it is organic. GMO foods will have a number starting with 8 but so far the only ones that we are 'aware' of is corn, soy and papayas. The patent office of America has GMO seeds on file for every fruit and veggie out there. It's just a matter of time until the only option we have as consumers are 'Frankenfoods." The majority of soy and corn is GMO even though they are not labelled as such. That may explain why corn and soy allergies are fast becoming the biggest food allergy in this country. Say NO to GMO!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Because It's Not Everyday That I Get To Rollerskate To Skinny Puppy

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Next to roller derby, goth skate night at World On Wheels in Venice is my favorite way to skate. Last night, Wumpskate celebrated their four year anniversary of bringing roller recreation to the gloomy kids of Los Angeles. I was going regularly last year but since the DJs starting playing gratuitous, self indulgent sets of nihilistic German industrial music my interest has waned. Last night started off great though, lots of Siouxsie, Cocteau Twins, Bauhaus, NIN, Ministry and what's that? Bigod 20? Now we're talkin'. It brings me back to my high school dark wave days. Sphinx, my sister in cake and roller skating, was there to hear me bitch about my ensuing blisters. It's been a few months since I laced on my retro Riedells but I had a wonderful night of nostalgia and calorie burning.


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