Monday, December 31, 2007

Getting There

So our cork floor is in. The electrical got redone. We painted the walls. We assembled the frames of the cabinets with some help from our friends (one of them worked in high heels, fierce). A few more days and we're going to have a functional kitchen. I think. Most of the work has gone pretty smoothly though, I had a total freakout at the customer service department of IKEA. I'm not even going to say what happened. It was ugly, but it's all good now. Time to take the rest of the day off and get ready for tonight's festivities. Going to dinner at Oaxaca Mio with a bunch of friends and planning on having one last crazy, cooked meal for 2007. I'm going out with a bang because for the next month I'll be on a strict raw vegan plan. I've only been 50-75% raw since mid October when I went on vacation and have started to put on the pounds. I definitely have more energy when I'm totally raw so I want to get back to where I was over the summer. I felt better, looked better and had more clarity and creativity. I need all those things in abundance in my life right now. I've got a lot to do this next year!

Happy New Year, dear friends!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My New Kooky Thing

About a month ago I stumbled upon this website for Tooth Soap. I had read about the use of plain bar soap from a few different holistic websites but I thought that it was way too crazy for me. Well after reading all the info on the website I was sold. I ordered a jar and I can say that after one month of use, Matt and I are true believers. Initially, it took a while to get over the taste. Mostly because it tastes like regular mild bar soap. As long as you don't get it on your tongue you'll be fine. I bought spearmint but I noticed that they are introducing some new flavors so maybe they mask the soapy flavor better. One jar will last you forever by the way. It comes in little shreds but you can also order it in liquid form. I absolutely love how clean my teeth feel. No film or residue like regular toothpaste. It was pretty funny last week when we went out of town, we put a few shreds in a ziploc bag. Our friends were wondering why we travel with bags of parmesan cheese in our toiletry bag. HA! Well if any of you are interested in purchasing Tooth Soap off their website, be so kind to put my name in the comments section of your order. Apparently, I can qualify for a free bottle on my next order if I refer new customers. Danke. Click here to go to their website.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Guess Who Got A Fancy Pants 21-Speed Schwinn Hybrid Bicycle For Christmas?

This girl. I love you Matt!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Some Days I Really Love My Job

Here's me striking a pose on the set of a Microsoft Windows commercial. We look like an ensemble cast of a really bad sitcom. I love it. Spandex is so freeing, why do I not own more spandex? For this job we had to do aerobics for about half an hour and then got wrapped. What a day. About to buckle down and tackle some movies tonight with the husband and the cat. Life is good.


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