SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2009 Raw Food 101 - Easy and delicious raw vegan cuisine for beginners. See how easy it is to incorporate raw foods into you and your family's meals. Learn to make Vanilla Brazil Nut Milk, Green Smoothies, Not-Tuna Salad, Spaghetti with Pesto, Mediterranean Kale Salad and decadent Fudge Brownies.
-Learn how to transition into raw foods
-Raw foods for weight loss and healing
-Raw food nutrition (where we get our protein)
-How to shop for and stock your pantry
-Staying raw while you travel

$55.00 1-4:30pm Ten Students Max. Email me to reserve your spot. rawjudita@yahoo.com
I'll be out of town on May 3. Will you be holding Raw Food 101 again in the near future?
I'll be offering this class once a month. :)
Do you have any sushi preparation classes?
Long Beach Apartments
I'll be teaching an Asian food class later this summer where I'll show how to roll vegetable sushi.
Have you already scheduled your next class? Where do you post your class dates? I just found your blog today. Thanks! :O)
Hi Gina, my next class is May 31st. Here's the link to my website http://rawjudita.com/classes.html. Email me at rawjudita@yahoo.com for more info. :)
For a raw food, it sure looks delicious, specially the chocolates.
That's really nice although as much as I love the fresh crunchy feel of raw veggies, a few ones are most nutritious when cooked for a bit
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